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Schools & Agents at French in Normandy

In this article, Lynne Farrugia, who is one of the owners of Schools & Agents, takes us through her experience as a student in Rouen and at French in Normandy. She came to French in Normandy as a guest, took a course with us and stayed with one of our host families. During the day, […]

10 Undeniable Reasons Why French Is Essential For the Engineering Industry

french for engineering

Have you selected the Engineering Industry for your bright future? Do you want to improve your professional skills? Do you like a dream job abroad? If yes, then French learning is essential for you. Why? Well, here are the top 10 undeniable reasons why French is critical for the engineering students.   Learning one language […]

CEFR: What Are the Different Levels of French Language Proficiency in French?

Language proficiency or linguistic proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in a language. If you love French and want to know the different levels of French Language Proficiency, then you are in the right place. Here, we will discuss different levels of French Proficiency of CEFR. But before going ahead, […]

French in Normandy in China

French in Normandy will be pleased to meet potential students at the Campus France workshops in Beijing, Dalian and Nanjin, China on April 13th, 14th and 21st, 2019. Be sure to register on the Campus France Education Fair website in order to upload your CV or to ask for appointments. 诺曼底法语学校 诺曼底法语学校,是一家部际认证的语言中心。它位于诺曼底大区首府-鲁昂,一座历史悠久的艺术之城,因其美轮美奂的建筑、教堂和圣女贞德而闻名。 学校全年开放,为学生提供普通法语课程或商贸法语课程。可以一对一授课,也可以是最多4人组成的小班授课,还可以小班授课与个人授课相结合。学校是可以组织TCF考试的认证语言中心,与鲁昂另一家可以报考DELF/DALF考试的语言中心有合作关系。学校帮助学生备考DELF/DALF考试,2017年DALF 考试的通过率为98%。学校也与法国国立面点甜点学院、厨师学校(马赛勒索瓦日高中),鲁昂电子工程高等工程师学院和诺欧商学院建立了合作关系,这为本校的学生提供了可以在这些合作院校继续学习的机会。 学校提供包括甜点、面点、厨师国家文凭项目和高等教育课程:硕士、MBA。学校的专业团队将全程陪伴学生的学习阶段并为学生更好地融入当地生活提供帮助。   […]

Why Business French Courses in France for International Students Can Make a Difference

business french courses

Very few students know that French is the third most essential language for business after English and Chinese. It has become a crucial linguistic skill in the global economy. French has more than 300 million speakers in over 50 countries. That’s why business French courses are essential for all students, especially for international students. Why […]

Applying for a Visa to Study in France

Study in France

You decided you want to come to France to study, now you need to start getting ready. If you are a non-EU national you need to plan well in advance to ensure that you get your visa before you leave your country. You also need to do this, whether you are an EU national or […]

Le français- cette langue qui nous réunit

French in Normandy sponsors 4th annual Congress for French teachers across the Arab World (CMA) in Agadir, Morocco This regional congress of the FIPF (International Federation of French Language Teachers) brings together teachers from North Africa and the Middle East but of course is open to teachers of French worldwide. The opening speeches and the […]

French in Normandy + Rouen Handball Club

French in Normandy is really pleased to announce a partnership with local sports club Rouen Handball. Alexandre Briet, Responsable du développement at Rouen Handball Club signed the agreement with Malika Bezzou. “We think that by joining forces with another dynamic Rouen business we can be more effective,” said Briet. “And as the Club’s motto says […]

Pourquoi réaliser son séjour linguistique à Rouen ?

Ah la Normandie, l’une des régions de France les plus visitée ! Ses atouts sont nombreux : paysages variés à couper le souffle, architecture typique, histoire riche et une culture fascinante… Vous l’avez compris, c’est un incontournable lorsque l’on souhaite découvrir la France. Rouen, sa capitale, bénéficie ainsi de nombreux avantages ! Si vous cherchez une ville française […]

How to learn French quickly and with ease

learn french quickly

Everything you need to know to learn French quickly and efficiently Would you like to speak French fluently ? Do you feel ready to start learning the language of Moliere? I am sure you are ! But maybe you are not sure about how to go about it… No panic ! In this article I am going […]