
Schools & Agents at French in Normandy

French in Normandy

In this article, Lynne Farrugia, who is one of the owners of Schools & Agents, takes us through her experience as a student in Rouen and at French in Normandy.

She came to French in Normandy as a guest, took a course with us and stayed with one of our host families. During the day, she had time to explore our beautiful city. Here’s what she was up to during her week in Rouen.

I had the pleasure of being invited to Rouen and French in Normandy from 7th to 14thJune. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay longer due to other work commitments.  The purpose of this visit was to experience the city as well as the school and the host family, as any other student would. This article as well as the pictures and posts during the week aim to help agents understand better what a student should expect from this beautiful corner in France… read more.